Prof. Ildikó Horváth, MD, PhD, DMSc

Prof. Horváth Ildikó, MD, PhD, DMSc

State Secretary for Health since the 16th of October 2019 in Hungary.

Lately she was Medical Director and Head of Department of XIV. Pulmonology at the National Koranyi Institute for Pulmonology, and a professor at the Department of Pulmonology and Head of the Department of Public Health of the Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary.

Prof. Horvath is specialist in pulmonology and holds a BSc in Health Management. She was a Fogarthy fellow at the National Institutes of Health, US and an ERS long-term research fellow at the Imperial College, London, UK and has wide scale collaboration with several research groups abroad. The focus of her research includes biomarker discovery studies for diagnosis and monitoring of respiratory diseases and also translational research in asthma and COPD. Prof. Horvath is one of the leading international experts in exhaled biomarkers. Prof. Horvath has 267 scientific publications, 14 book chapters, 20 other publications and she was a guest editor of the ERS Monograph on Exhaled biomarkers. Her citation index is 5466 and has a Hirsch-index of 32.

She has received prestigious national and international awards for her scientific achievements of Hungarian Academy of Sciencies, UNESCO-LOREAL Hungary Award for Best Female Scientists and the Koranyi Award of the Hungarian Respiratory Society.

Prof. Horvath is an editorial board member of the Journal of Breath Research and the Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics together with the Hungarian Medicina Thoracalis and she serves as a reviewer on many international scientific journals including the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical care Medicine, European Respiratory Journal, Chest, Thorax, Journal of Applied Physiology and others. Major international expert panels in which she served/serves as chair or member includes Task Force on new inhalative techniques, exhaled biomarkers, bronchoprovocation testing and the Scientific Panel for Health of the European Commission. She has also served as expert evaluator and rapporter for the EU Framework for Research and other granting organisations.

Dr. Horvath is the President of the Hungarian Respiratory Society, Vice president of the Hungarian Association of Medical Societies and the Advocacy Council Chair of the European Respiratory Society.